Invention | Inventor | Year | Country |
Acetylene Gas | Berthelot | 1862 | France |
Adding Machine | Pascal | 1642 | France |
Adhesive Tape, Scotch | Richard Drew | 1930 | U.S.A. |
Adrenaline | Schafer and Oliver | 1894 | Britain |
Aeroplane | Orville & Wilbur Wright | 1903 | U.S.A. |
Aerosol Spray | Erik Rotheim | 1926 | Norway |
Air Conditioning | Carrier | 1902 | U.S.A. |
Airplane, Jet Engine | Ohain | 1939 | Germany |
Airship (non-rigid) | Henri Giffard | 1852 | France |
Anesthesia, Local | Koller | 1885 | Austria |
Anesthesia, Spinal | Bier | 1898 | Germany |
Anti-toxins (Science of Immunity) | Behring & Kitasato | 1890 | Germany, Japan |
Artificial Heart | Willem Kolff | 1957 | Netherlands |
Aspirin | Dreser | 1889 | Germany |
Atomic Bomb | J. Robert Oppenheimer | 1945 | U.S.A. |
Atomic Numbers | Moseley | 1913 | Britain |
Atomic Theory | Dalton | 1803 | Britain |
Automatic Rifle | John Browning | 1918 | U.S.A. |
Ayurveda | 2000-1000 BC | India | |
Bacteria | Leeuwenhock | 1683 | Netherlands |
Bacteriology | Ferdinand Cohn | 1872 | Germany |
Bakelite | Leo H. Baekeland | 1907 | Belgium |
Ball-Point Pen | John J. Loud | 1888 | U.S.A. |
Ballistic Missile | Wemher von Braun | 1944 | Germany |
Balloon | Jacques & Joseph Montgolfier | 1783 | France |
Barometer | Evangelista Torricelli | 1644 | Italy |
Battery (Electric) | Alessandro Volta | 1800 | Italy |
Bicyle | Kirkpatrick Macmillan | 1839-40 | Britain |
Bicyle Tyres (Pneumatic) | John Boyd Dunlop | 1888 | Britain |
Bifocal Lens | Benjamin Franklin | 1780 | U.S.A. |
Biochemistry | Jan Baptista Van Helmont | 1648 | Belgium |
Bleaching Powder | Tennant | 1798 | Britain |
Blood Plasma Storage (Blood Bank) | Drew | 1940 | U.S.A. |
Blood Transfusion | Jean-Baptiste Denys | 1625 | France |
Bunsen Burner | R.Willhelm von Bunsen | 1855 | Germany |
Burglar Alarm | Edwin T. Holmes | 1858 | U.S.A. |
Calculus | Newton | 1670 | Britain |
Camera, Kodak | Walker Eastman | 1888 | U.S.A. |
Canned Food | Appert | 1804 | France |
Car (Petrol) | Kari Benz | 1888 | Germany |
Car (Steam) | Nicolas Cugnot | 1769 | France |
Carburetor | Gottlieb Daimler | 1876 | Germany |
Cardiac Pacemaker | A.S. Hyman | 1932 | U.S.A. |
Cassette, Audio | Philips Co. | 1963 | Holland |
Cassette, Videotape | Sony | 1969 | Japan |
CAT Scanner | Godfrey Hounsfield | 1968 | Britain |
Celluloid | Alexander Parkes | 1861 | Britain |
Cement (Portland) | Joseph Aspdin | 1824 | Britain |
Chemotherapy | Ehrlich | 1909 | Germany |
Chemotherapy | Paracelsus | 1493-1541 | Switzerland |
Chloroform as Anaesthetic | James Simpson | 1847 | Britain |
Chloromycetin | Burkholder | 1947 | U.S.A. |
Cholera T. B. Germs | Robert Koch | 1877 | Germany |
Chronometer | John Harrison | 1735 | Britain |
Cinema | Nicolas & Jean Lumiere | 1895 | France |
Circulation of Blood | William Harvey | 1628 | Britain |
Clock (Mechanical) | I-Hsing & Liang Ling-Tsan | 1725 | China |
Clock (Pendulum) | Christian Huygens | 1656 | Netherlands |
Cloning, DNA | Boyer, Cohen | 1973 | U.S.A. |
Cloning, Mammal | Wilmut, et al | 1996 | U.K. |
Compact Disc | RCA | 1972 | U.S.A. |
Compact Disc Player | Sony, Philips co | 1979 | Japan, Netherlands |
Computer, Laptop | Sinclair | 1987 | Britain |
Computer, Mini | Digital Corp. | 1960 | U.S.A. |
Crossword Puzzle | Arthur Wynne | 1913 | U.S.A. |
Cryo-Surgery | Henry Swan | 1953 | U.S.A. |
CT Sacn | Hounsfield | 1973 | Britain |
Dating | Libby | 1947 | U.S.A. |
Diesel Engine | Rudoff Diesel | 1895 | Germany |
Diphtheria Germs | Klebs & Loffler | 1883-84 | Germany |
Disc Brake | Dr. F. Lanchester | 1902 | Britain |
Disc Video | Philips Co. | 1972 | Holland |
DNA, Structure | Crick, Waston, Wilkins | 1951 | UK,US,UK |
Dynamo | Hypolite Pixil | 1832 | France |
Electric Flat Iron | H.W. Seeley | 1882 | U.S.A. |
Electric Iron | Henry W. Seely | 1882 | U.S.A. |
Electric Lamp | Thomas Alva Edison | 1879 | U.S.A. |
Electric Motor (AC) | Nikola Tesla | 1888 | U.S.A. |
Electric Motor (DC) | Zenobe Gramme | 1873 | Belgium |
Electric Washing machine | Alva J. Fisher | 1906 | U.S.A. |
Electro-Cardiograph | Willem Einthoven | 1903 | Netherlands |
Electro-Encephalogram | Hand Berger | 1929 | Germany |
Electro-Magnet | William Sturgeon | 1824 | Britain |
Electron | Thomson. J | 1897 | Britain |
Electronic Computer | Dr. Alan M. turing | 1824 | Britain |
Electroplating | Luigi Brugnatelli | 1805 | Italy |
Embryology | Kari Ernest-Van Baer | 1792-1896 | Estonia |
Endocrinology | Bayliss & Starling | 1902 | Britain |
Facsimile Machine | Alexander Bain | 1843 | Britain |
Fibre Optics | Kepany | 1955 | Britain |
Film (Moving Outlines) | Louis Prince | 1885 | France |
Film (Musical Sound) | Dr. Le de Forest | 1923 | U.S.A. |
Film (Talking) | J. Engl, J. Mussolle & H. Vogt | 1922 | Germany |
First Test Tube Baby | Steptoe & Edwards | 1978 | Britain |
Floppy Disk | IBM | 1970 | U.S.A. |
Fountain Pen | Lewis E.Waterman | 1984 | U.S.A. |
Frisbee | Fred Morrisson | 1948 | U.S.A. |
Galvanometer | Andre-Marie Ampere | 1834 | France |
Gene Therapy on Humans | Martin Clive | 1980 | U.S.A. |
Genes Associated with Cancer | Robert Weinberg & others | 1982 | U.S.A. |
Glider | Sir George Cayley | 1853 | Britain |
Gramophone | Thomos Alva Edison | 1878 | U.S.A. |
Heart Transplant Surgery | Christian Barnard | 1967 | S. Africa |
Helicopter | Etienne Oehmichen | 1924 | France |
Histology | Marie Bichat | 1771-1802 | France |
HIV | Martagnier | 1984 | French |
Holography | Denis Gason | 1947 | Britain |
Hydrogen Bomb | Edward Teller | 1952 | U.S.A. |
Hypodermic Syringe | Alexander Wood | 1853 | Britain |
Intelligence Testing | Simon Binet | 1905 | French |
Jet Engine | Sir Frank Whittle | 1937 | Britain |
Kidney Machine | Kolf | 1944 | Netherlands |
Laser | Theodore Maiman | 1960 | U.S.A. |
Launderette | J.F. Cantrell | 1934 | U.S.A. |
Leprosy Bacillus | Hansen | 1873 | Norway |
Lift (Mechanical) | Elisha G. Otis | 1852 | U.S.A. |
Lighting Conductor | Benjamin Franklin | 1752 | U.S.A. |
Locomotive | Richard Trevithick | 1804 | Britain |
Logarithms | Napier | 1614 | Britain |
Loom, power | E. Cartwright | 1785 | Britain |
Loudspeaker | Horace Short | 1900 | Britain |
LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide) | Hoffman | 1943 | Switzerland |
Machine Gun | Richard Gatling | 1718 | Britain |
Magnetic Recording Tape | Fritz Pfleumer | 1928 | Germany |
Malaria Germs | Laveran | 1880 | France |
Match, Safety | John Walker | 1826 | Britain |
Microphone | Alexander Graham Bell | 1876 | U.S.A. |
Microprocessor | Robert Noyce & Gordon Moore | 1971 | U.S.A. |
Microscope, comp. | Z. Janssen | 1590 | Netherlands |
Microscope, elect. | Ruska Knoll | 1931 | Germany |
Microwave Oven | Percy LeBaron Spencer | 1947 | U.S.A. |
Morphine | Friderich Sertumer | 1805 | Germany |
Motor Cycle | G. Daimler | 1885 | Germany |
Movie Projector | Thomas Edison | 1893 | U.S.A. |
MRI | Damadian | 1971 | U.S.A. |
Neon Lamp | Georges Claude | 1910 | France |
Neurology | Franz Joseph Gall | 1758-1828 | Germany |
Neutron | Chadwick | 1932 | Britain |
Neutron Bomb | Samuel Cohen | 1958 | U.S.A. |
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging | Raymond Damadian | 1971 | U.S.A. |
Nylon | Dr. wallace H. Carothers | 1937 | U.S.A. |
Open Heart Surgery | Walton Lilehel | 1953 | U.S.A. |
Optical Fibre | Narinder Kapany | 1955 | Germany |
Oral Contraceptive Pills | Gregory Pincus, Rock | 1955 | U.S.A. |
Pacemaker | Zoll | 1952 | U.S.A. |
Paper | A.D. 105 | China | |
Pasteurization | Louis Pasteur | 1867 | France |
Pencil | Lacques-Nicolas Conte | 1792 | France |
Penicillin | Alexander Fleming | 1928 | Britain |
Periodic Table | Mendeleyev | 1869 | Russia |
Photo Film, Celluloid | Reichenbach | 1893 | U.S.A. |
Photo Film, Transparent | Goodwin Eastman | 1884 | U.S.A. |
Photocopier | Carlson | 1938 | U.S.A. |
Photoelectric Cell | Julius Elster, Hans F. Geitel | 1893 | Germany. |
Photography (on Film) | John Carbutt | 1888 | U. S. A. |
Photography (on Metal) | J.N. Niepce | 1826 | France |
Photography (on Paper) | W.H. Fox Talbot | 1835 | Britain |
Physiology | Albrecht Von Haller | 1757-66 | Switzerland |
Piano | Cristofori | 1709 | Italy |
Pistol, Revolver | Colt | 1836 | U. S. A. |
Plutonium Fission | Kennedy, Whal, Seaborg, Segre | 1940 | U.S.A. |
Pop-up toaster | Charles Strite | 1927 | U.S.A. |
Positron Emission Tomography | Louis Sokoloff | 1978 | U.S.A. |
Printing (Rotary) | Richard Hoe | 1846 | U.S.A. |
Printing (Web) | William Bullock | 1865 | U.S.A. |
Printing Press | Johann Gutenberg | 1455 | Germany |
Proton | Rutherford | 1919 | N.Zealand |
Quantum Theory | Plank | 1900 | Germany |
Rabies Vaccine | Louis Pasteur | 1860 | France |
Radar | A. H. Taylor & Leo C. Young | 1922 | U.S.A. |
Radio Telegraphy | Dr. Mohlon Loomis | 1864 | U.S.A. |
Radio Telegraphy (Trans Atlantic) | G. Marconi | 1901 | Italy |
Radiocarbon | Libby | 1947 | U.S.A. |
Rayon | Sir Joseph Swan | 1883 | Britain |
Razor (Electric) | Col. Jacob Schick | 1931 | U.S.A. |
Razor (Safety) | King C. Gillette | 1895 | U.S.A. |
Recombinant-DNA Technology | Paul Berg. H.W.Boyer, S. Cohen | 1972-73 | U.S.A. |
Refrigerator | James Harrison, Alexander catlin | 1850 | U.S.A. |
Relativity Theory | Einstein | 1905 | Germany |
Reserpine | Jal Vakil | 1949 | India |
Rh-factor | Karl Landsteiner | 1940 | U.S.A. |
Rubber (Latex Foam) | Dunlop Rubber Co. | 1928 | Britain |
Rubber (Tyres) | Thomas Hancock | 1846 | Britain |
Rubber (Vulcanised) | Charles Goodyear | 1841 | U.S.A. |
Rubber (Water Proof) | Charles Macintosh | 1823 | Britain |
Safety Pin | Walter Hunt | 1849 | U.S.A. |
Safety Razor | King Camp Gillette | 1903 | U.S.A. |
Seat Belt | Volvo | 1959 | Sweden |
Self-Starter | Charles F. Kattering | 1911 | U.S.A. |
Sex Hormones | Eugen Steinach | 1910 | Austria |
Ship (Steam) | I. C. Perier | 1775 | France |
Ship (Turbine) | Hon. Sir C. Parsons | 1894 | Britain |
Silk Manufacture | 50 B.C. | China | |
Skyscraper | W. Le Baron Jenny | 1882 | U.S.A. |
Slide Rule | William Oughtred | 1621 | Britain |
Small Pox Eradicated | W.H.O. Declaration | 1980 | UN |
Spinning Frame | Sir Richard Arkwright | 1769 | Britain |
Spinning Jenny | James Hargreaves | 1764 | Britain |
Spinning Mule | Samuel Cromption | 1779 | Britain |
Steam Engine | Thomas Savery | 1698 | Britain |
Steam Engine (Condenser) | James Watt | 1765 | Britain |
Steam Engine (Piston) | Thomas Newcomen | 1712 | Britain |
Steel (Stainless) | Harry Brearley | 1913 | Britain |
Stethoscope | Laennec | 1819 | French |
Stethoscope | Rene Laennec | 1819 | France |
Streptomycin | Selman Waksman | 1944 | U.S.A. |
Submarine | David Bushnell | 1776 | U.S.A. |
Super Computer | J.H. Van Tassel | 1976 | U.S.A. |
Synthesiser | Moog | 1964 | U.S.A. |
Synthetic Antigens | Landsteiner | 1917 | U.S.A. |
Tank | Sir Emest D. Swington | 1914 | Britain |
Tape Recorder | Fessenden Poulsen | 1899 | Denmark |
Telegraph | M. Lammond | 1787 | France |
Telegraphe Code | Samuel F.B. Morse | 1837 | U.S.A. |
Telephone (Imperfect) | Antonio Meucci | 1849 | Italy |
Telephone (Perfected) | Alexander Graham Bell | 1876 | U.S.A. |
Telephone, Cellular | Bell Labs | 1947 | U.S.A. |
Telescope | Hans Lippershey | 1608 | Netherlands |
Television (Electronic) | P.T. Farnsworth | 1927 | U.S.A. |
Television (Mechanical) | John Logie Baird | 1926 | Britain |
Television, Colour | John Logie Baird | 1928 | Britain |
Terramycin | Finaly & Others | 1950 | U.S.A. |
Thyroxin | Edward Calvin-Kendall | 1919 | U.S.A. |
Transformer | Michael Faraday | 1831 | Britain |
Transistor | Bardeen, Shockley & Britain | 1948 | U.S.A. |
Transistor Radio | Sony | 1955 | Japan |
Tyhus Vaccine | J. Nicolle | 1909 | France |
Uranium Fission, Atomic reactor | Szilard Femi | 1942 | U.S.A. |
Vaccination | Edward Jenner | 1796 | Britain |
Vaccine, Measles | Enders | 1963 | U.S.A. |
Vaccine, Meningitis | Gardon, et al. Connaught Lab | 1987 | U.S.A. |
Vaccine, Polio | Jonas Salk | 1954 | U.S.A. |
Vaccine, Polio-oral | Albert Sabin | 1960 | U.S.A. |
Vaccine, Rabies | Louis Pasteur | 1885 | France |
Vaccine, Smallpox | Jenner | 1776 | Britain |
Vacuum Cleaner (Elec) | Spangler | 1907 | U.S.A. |
Velcro (hook-and-Ioop-fastener) | Georges de Mestral | 1948 | Switzerland |
Video Tape | Charles Ginsberg | 1956 | U.S.A. |
Virology | Ivanovski & Bajernick | 1892 | USSR, Netherlands |
Vitamin A | Mc Collum and M. Davis | 1913 | U.S.A. |
Vitamin B1 | Minot & Murphy | 1936 | U.S.A. |
Vitamin C | Forelich Hoist | 1919 | Norway |
Vitamin D | Mc Collum | 1925 | U.S.A. |
Vitamin K | Doisy Dam | 1938 | U.S.A. |
Washing Machine (Elec.) | Hurley Machine Co. | 1907 | U.S.A. |
Watch | Bartholomew Manfredi | 1462 | Italy |
Welder (Electric) | Elisha Thomson | 1877 | U.S.A. |
Western Cientific Therapy | Hippocrates | 460-370BC | Greece |
Windmill | Persian corn grinding | 600 | |
Wireless (Telegraphy) | G. Marconi | 1896 | Italy |
X-ray | W.K. Roentgen | 1895 | Germany |
Yoga | Patanjali | 200-100 BC | India |
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